* Choose the one which best complete the sentence.(1-4)
1. The basis on which posterity will rank our civilization is the quality of our ideas. Our position among civilizations is determined by the _________.
① location of our civilization
② value of our thought
③ influence we have
④ rigidity of our thought
⑤ quantity of our thought

2. As you drive a car on a straight road where the sun is beating down, you may seem to see a shimmering wet stretch ahead. When you reach the spot, it is not wet at all. The wet place is simply __________.
① man's ingenuity
② a hoax
③ an illusion
④ dried up
⑤ a lake

3. The name of the man is __________. "
  " I wish I could remember it right now. "
① at my fingers' tips
② at my arm's length
③ out of mind
④ on the tip of my tongue
⑤ on my head

4. “How much money do you have ? "
  " I have a ______ bill. "
① tens dollars
② ten-dollar
③ tens-dollars
④ ten-dollars
⑤ ten dollars

5.다음 중 spelling 이 틀린 單語는 ?
① efficiency
② vicissitude
③ conscience
④ dilligence
⑤ intelligence

6. 다음 單語들의 밑줄 친 부분과 동일한 발음이 들어 있는 것은 ?
① width
② breathe
③ death
④ depth
⑤ bath

[7-9] 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 같은 것은 ?
7. The research team needs to confer with the director before it begins its final report.
① consult
② compute
③ fasten
④ retain
⑤ subdue

8. The king was merciless.
① warm-hearted
② generous
③ cruel
④ energetic
⑤ understanding

9. The representative was asked to verify his earlier statement.
① cancel
② modify
③ withdraw
④ repeat
⑤ confirm

10. 다음 문장이 시사하는 것은 ?
  The best equipment a young man can have for the battle of life is a conscience, common sense and good health. There is no friend so good as a good conscience. There is no enemy so dangerous as a bad conscience. Conscience makes us either kings or slaves.
① 양심을 가진 사람은 친구가 많다
② 요즈음 젊은이들은 좋은 시설에서 생활한다.
③ 바른 양심을 가지면 적이 없다
④ 젊은이들은 거의 다 건강하다.
⑤ 양심을 지키는 것은 중요하다

[11-15] Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
11. “ What do you think about U.S. ? "
   " If I had known it was so industrialized, I _________ come here. "
① will never have
② had never
③ would never
④ will never
⑤ would never have

12. The average person expresses himself differently in writing and in speaking. With proper practice the difference can be overcome, and one's writing will be more ________
① intense
② like his talk
③ interesting to read
④ widely known
⑤ clear and precise

13. I wish you had brought your children with you.
   I'll get them ________ on the next trip.
① with me to come along
② to come on with me
③ coming along with me
④ to come along with me
⑤ come on with me

14. The great motive to learning a new skill is an urgent need to use it. For this reason many scientists do not learn new skills until the ______ is upon them.
① question
② pressure
③ desire
④ chance
⑤ method

15. 짓궂은 장난을 하는 데는, 김선달을 따를 자가 없다.
   =When it comes _____ practical jokes, you can't ______ Sundal Kim.
① on playing - catch
② in playing - lose
③ at playing - strike
④ to play - hit
⑤ to playing - beat

[16-19] Read the following and choose the suitable one.
16. Ideas can sometimes be communicated better by gestures than by words. It is much less effective to tell a person to leave the room than to _______.
① look round
② get up and get out
③ say nothing at all
④ point to the door
⑤ ask him to go

17. I am sure that the only important thing in a book is the meaning it has for me. It may have other and much more profound meanings for the critic, but __________.
① he may please me
② he always agrees with me
③ they can be of small serviced to me
④ they can instruct me very much
⑤ they may be greatly profitable to me

18. The expert who seldom understands the layman is so thoroughly familiar with his field that he is impatient with _______.
① advanced questions
② technical difficulties
③ unproved theories
④ basic explanation
⑤ complex problem

19. Turn off the radio, __________ ?
① aren't you
② shall you
③ will you
④ don't you
⑤ do you

20. 다음 문장의 요지로서 알맞은 것은 ?
  Don't put too much value on money. Money is important. It will buy things that you need and desire, but it is seldom estimated highly among the best minds and good workers.
① 돈을 아껴 써라
② 돈은 물론 중요하지만 높은 지위를 가진 사람들에게는 높이 평가되는 것이 아니다.
③ 마음이 좋은 직공들은 임금에 구애 없이 일을 잘한다.
④ 돈만 있으면 네가  원하는 것은 다 살 수 있다
⑤ 돈에 너무 집착하지 마라

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