* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하여라.[1-2]
When Herbert was thirteen years old he was sent to work in a shop where he could learn the business. But the boy's heart wasn't in buying and selling. He read books when he should have been working. As far as he could see none of his companions shared his ambition. They laughed at the young shop assistant who spent his time studying and arguing.

1. Herbert __________________.
① read many books to study the business
② was least interested in the business
③ read books at buying and selling
④ read books while working diligently
⑤ was eager to learn the business

2. His companions _____________.
① regarded him as a scholar
② liked reading books, too
③ were not ambitious
④ envied him his ambition
⑤ wanted him to teach them

다음 영문을 읽고 물음에 답하여라. [3-6]
For a nation to be great, it need not necessarily be big, though bigness may be often confounded (1) _______ greatness. Some nation, therefore, may be very big (2)in terms of territory and population, and yet be devoid (3) ____ true greatness.

3. 밑줄 친 (1) 에 알맞은 전치사는 ?
① upon
② at
③ of
④ with
⑤ to

4. 밑줄 친 (2)에 가장 가까운 말은 ?
① despite of
② from the viewpoint of
③ not to speak of
④ quite apart from
⑤ by way of

5. 밑줄에 친 (3)에 알맞은 것은 ?
① of
② by
③ as
④ in
⑤ on

6. 윗 글의 내용을 가장 잘 요약한 것은?
① A nation, however great, may have smaller territory and fewer population than other countries.
② People in general can tell a big nation from a great one.
③ Great countries are usually wanting in their territory and population.
④ Some of nations may be termed a great one, be it ever so small.
⑤ We sometimes confuse population with territory.

* 다음 중 어법상 적절치 못한 것을 골라라. [7-8]
① Where can I get this card printed within 2 hours ?
② In crossing the bridge, he had his hat blow off.
③ An excited boy jumped out of the window.
④ It was surprising that such a seriously wounded girl should have been left unattended.
⑤ Do you keep track of the long distance calls which you make in your office each month ?

① Being everything ready, the concert began.
② What do you want money for, all of a sudden ?
③ Has he done his homework yet ?
④ He gave up smoking on his doctor's advice.
⑤ He got married to a girl friend of his.

* 주어진 문장과 내용이 가장 가까운 것을 골라라. [9-11]
9. He was undoubtedly a promising youth.
① Certainly he was a young man who made many promises.
② When he was young, he was very anxious.
③ People were sure he had a great future.
④ He was a young man who did not break his promise.
⑤ He was surely too young to keep his promise.

10. She is second to none in playing the piano.
① She is the secondary pianist.
② She is not likely to play the piano.
③ No other pianist is so excellent as she.
④ There is only one pianist who is better than she.
⑤ She plays very well.

11. Few businesses have ever succeeded without effective advertising.
① In most companies, success has nothing to do with effective advertising.
② Advertising is not always effective.
③ In some companies, advertising is very effective.
④ Advertising should be always effective.
⑤ Most successful companies advertise effectively.

12. 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞지 않는 말은?
If you study regularly each day, ________ your vocabulary of English words will increase.
① slowly
② by degrees
③ little by little
④ gradually
⑤ as usual

* 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 알맞은 것을 골라라. [13-18]
13. This time next month we ________ our examination results.
① will have received
② have received
③ had received
④ were receiving
⑤ are receiving

14. He is not very well off, _______ his brother who is an extremely rich man.
① similar to
② unlike
③ different from
④ the same as
⑤ equal to

15. I want to stop them ______ watching television.
① on
② to
③ away
④ off
⑤ from

16. February was the coldest month _____ the year.
① in
② of
③ with
④ among
⑤ through

17. If someone always arrives on time, you would call him ________.
① accurate
② punctual
③ correct
④ precise
⑤ exact

18. If you want to go, you may . I have no _____ to your going.
① subject
② like
③ objection
④ disagreement
⑤ upset

* 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 골라라. [19-21]
19. Office workers in this firm are not compelled to wear uniforms.
① forced
② persuaded
③ expected
④ encouraged
⑤ free

20. How do you put up with such a hardship ?
① disregard
② face
③ ignore
④ tolerate
⑤ confront

21. Who will look after the children while their mother is in hospital ?
① search for
② play with
③ take care of
④ give comfort to
⑤ bring up

22. 다음 주어진 단어의 밑줄 친 부분과 발음이 같은 것은 ?
① said
② dread
③ break
④ desperate
⑤ heart

23. 다음 우리말에 대한 올바른 영역은 ?
취직 시험이 다가옴에 따라서 대부분의 학생들의 마음이 뒤숭숭해지기 시작했다.
① As the examination of job draws near, most of the students begin to feel depressed.
② As the company entrance examination draws near, most of the students begin to feel moved.
③ As the examination for hiring draws near, most of the students begin to feel excited.
④ As the entrance examination draws near, most of the students begin to feel unhappy.
⑤ As the examination for employment draws near, most of the students begin to feel uneasy.

* 다음 대화의 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 알맞지 않은 말을 골라라.[24-25]
24. A: Please give me some advice.
    B: ________________________.
① Okay. What's on your mind ?
② I'm not the right person. You had better ask someone else.
③ How many do you want ?
④ Sure ! What's the problem ?
⑤ Okay , if I can.

25. A: I want to send this package to France.
    B: ________________.
① What's in it ?
② No, why don't you ?
③ By air mail, or by sea mail ?
④ Next window, please
⑤ Fill in the customs declaration form.

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