※ 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (1 ~ 6)
1. She has been here _______.
① after 1979
② for 1979
③ of 1979
④ in 1979
⑤ since 1979

2. She gave me this doll         her gratitude.
① for the sake of
② by virtue of
③ in accordance with
④ in token of
⑤ with regard to

3. Since this room is air-conditioned, we must keep        .
① the closed windows
② close the windows
③ closed the windows
④ the windows closing
⑤ the windows closed

4. Bill was angry because his mother would not         him go to the movies.
① permit
② let
③ allow
④ admit
⑤ ask

5. Every nation in South East Asia is very         to the expansion of Communist China's sphere of influence.
① sensual
② sensible
③ sense
④ sensational
⑤ sensitive

6. If someone always arrives on time, you will call him        .
① accurate
② precise
③ punctual
④ exact
⑤ sharp

7. 밑줄 친 부분의 발음이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① meadow
② ready
③ meant
④ measure
⑤ breathe

8. 다음 중 명사-형용사 의 관계가 잘못된 것은?
① courage – courageous
② luxury – luxurious
③ succession – successful
④ gratitude – grateful
⑤ accuracy - accurate

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하여라 (9 ~ 10)
Our real trouble was that we were short of capital, for it had all been spent in the old days before I took over the running of the farm. We could not carry through any radical improvements, but had to live from hand to mouth and this, in the last years, became our normal mode of living on the farm.

9. 윗글의 내용에 맞는 것은?
① We were affluent.
② We were wasteful.
③ Our methods of improving the farm were not proper.
④ The running of the farm had cost us a lot of money.
⑤ We had a scanty amount of money.

10. 윗글에서 밑줄 친 ‘this'가 나타내는 것은?
① We had to live from hand to mouth.
② in the last years.
③ We carry through radical improvement.
④ the running of the farm.
⑤ I took over the running of the farm.

※ 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 같은 것은? (11 ~ 14)
11. The rural economy has been left relatively stagnant.
① festive
② inactive
③ agricultural
④ elastic
⑤ prosperous

12. Korea economy is growing by leaps and bounds.
① skipping and jumping
② at a great speed
③ very easily
④ recently
⑤ far and wide

13. The committee was in full accord in their approval.
① abnormal
② unanimous
③ ambiguous
④ unisonly
⑤ anonymous

14. I lost my temper easily in an argument about it.
① grew tired of
② got angry
③ gave up for lost
④ lost my sight
⑤ took care of

15. 다음 주어진 글의 내용과 가장 일치하는 것은?
A major handicap of young people and adults in getting jobs is not necessarily lack of intelligence. Often it is lack of ability to read well enough to meet the job demands.
① In the world of today the chance for employment rests in part upon the ability to read.
② Anyone who reads well can be certain of getting a job.
③ Most on-the-job failures are due to inability to read at fifth grade level.
④ Many industries now offer training in reading for their employees.
⑤ We have to read well so as to get an intelligent job when young.

16. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 ‘as' 가 들어갈 수 없는 것은?
① Heroine         she was, she wept at the news.
② I wish that I had done         mother told me to.
③ At that time she was as happy         happy could be.
        rust eats iron, so care eats the heart.
⑤ He looks         he were tired.

17. 다음 글에서 특히 강조하고 있는 것은?
Calling upon others for help in forming a decision is worse than useless. A man must so train his habits that he can rely upon his own powers and depend upon his own courage in moments of emergency.
① others' help
② a man's habit
③ uselessness
④ self-reliance
⑤ emergency

18. 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 것은?
① Moon having risen, we put out the light.
② All the students excited when he appeared on the stage.
③ Bob is believed to have written the letter.
④ Not one of the trees is worth buying.
⑤ It has been raining since the day before yesterday.

19. 다음 중 올바른 문장은?
① It is high time I am going.
② She went up to him and shook his hand as though she has known him for years.
③ The population of Seoul is larger than Pusan.
④ Are you going to keep me waiting all day?
⑤ Having read the book, it was thrown aside.

20. 다음 우리말을 영어로 잘 옮긴 것은?
한국 사람들은 근면한 국민으로 알려져 있다.
① The Koreans are known to be an industrious people.
② They are knowing that the Korean are diligent people.
③ The Koreans are being known to be diligent people.
④ They know Koreans to be an industrial nation.
⑤ They know that Koreans are industrious peoples.
최근 게시물
This is the last post.

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