* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하여라.[1-4]
  A rich elderly gentleman came into our shop to purchase a much improved hearing aid. Two weeks later he returned to report that he could hear conversations quite easily, even in the next room. "Your friends and relatives must be very happy that you can hear so much better." I said. " Oh, (1) I haven't told them, he chuckled. "I've been sitting around listening - and you know what ? I've changed my (2) will twice.

1. 밑줄 친 (1)다음에 생략된 것은 ?
① I can hear so much better.
② I have changed my will
③ I have been sitting in the next room
④ I have been to the hospital
⑤ I can't hear at all

2. 밑줄 친 (2)와 같은 뜻으로 쓰인 것은 ?
① The will to live helps a patient to recover.
② He will sit there hour after hour looking at the fountain.
③ He did it of his own free will.
④ The wealthy man left no will when he died.
⑤ When will you do your homework ?

3. The elderly gentleman was _________.
① hard of hearing
② badly-off
③ near-sighted
④ in weak condition
⑤ a patient

4. The elderly gentleman changed his will twice, perhaps because _________.
① he bought a much improved hearing aid
② he wanted to keep silent
③ he knew that he would die soon
④ he listened to his friends chuckle
⑤ some of the relatives spoke ill of him.

* 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 골라라. [5-8]
5. She ran across her old friend in the park.
① wanted to see
② was spoken to by
③ happened to remember
④ met by chance
⑤ lost sight of

6. Everybody yearns for this kind of job.
① looks
② longs
③ applies
④ tries
⑤ works

7. Among the girls he is always looked up to for his experience as a leader of boy scouts.
① searched
② sought
③ regarded
④ elected
⑤ respected

8. I couldn't help turning down his offer.
① refusing
② wanting
③ accepting
④ avoiding
⑤ expecting

* 다음 우리말을 옳게 영작한 것을 골라라[9-10]
9. 은행에 아직도 돈을 조금 남겨 놓았다.
① In the bank I have still little money left.
② I still have a little money left in the bank.
③ I have still a few money left in the bank.
④ Still in the bank I have left little money.
⑤ I still have left a little money behind in the bank.

10. 우리는 그런 비싼 집을 살 수 없다.
① We are impossible to get a costly house like that.
② It is unable for us purchase so costly a house.
③ We cannot afford to buy such an expensive house.
④ We are incapable to buy such expensive a house.
⑤ We cannot buy a such expensive house.

* 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 것을 골라라.[11-13]
11. Fewer people study Latin today than fifty years ago and _____ fewer people study Greek.
① more
② some
③ less
④ any
⑤ still

12. A bird in the hand is ______ two in the bush.
① worth
② valuable
③ equal           
④ like
⑤ worthy

13. Plants must be fitted for the places and climates in which they live. In dry desert regions they must be able to exist for long periods _________.
① in the rain
② without water
③ in rainy weather
④ without fertilizer
⑤ in the damp climate

* 주어진 문장의 내용과 가장 가까운 것을 골라라.[14-20]
14. We had hardly left the house when it began snowing.
① It was hard to leave the house after it began to snow.
② As it began snowing, we did not leave the house.
③ It have hardly begun snowing when we left the house.
④ We left the house as soon as it began to snow.
⑤ It started to snow immediately after we left the house.

15. Without adequate preparation, you can run into problems.
① Insufficient preparation can lead to problems.
② Without careful preparations, you can work out the problems.
③ If you don't prepare enough, you can have problems running.
④ When you prepare badly, you can solve your problems.
⑤ Even adequate preparation won't lead you to solve problems.

16. After Paris, Montreal is the largest French-speaking city in the world.
① In the past, Paris was the largest French-speaking city in the world, but it is now replaced by Montreal.
② Montreal is the largest French-speaking city in the world.
③ Paris is the second largest French-speaking city in the world.
④ Montreal has the second highest number of French-speaking people among the world's cities.
⑤ The big cities of the world include Paris and Montreal where French is spoken.

17. One of his friends asked where he would like them to bury him.
① One of his friends said, " Where would you like us to bury you ? "
② One of his friends said, " Where would you like them to bury him ? "
③ One of his friends said, " Where would you like them to bury him ?"
④ One of his friends said, " Where shall you like us to bury you ?"
⑤ One of his friends said, " Where would you like us to bury him ?"

18. " Don't be angry with me, Joe. " she said.
① she told Joe not to be angry with her.
② She asked Joe if he was angry with her.
③ She told Joe that she was not angry with him.
④ She didn't ask joe if he was angry with her.
⑤ She ordered Joe to be angry with her.

19. I haven't the slightest idea of what he means.
① I know what he means very well.
② I don't know what he means at all.
③ I have never thought of what he means.
④ I don't have an idea about it.
⑤ I have an idea of what he means.

20. The Swiss have no access to the sea.
① Switzerland is a peninsula like Korea.
② Switzerland is a mountainous country.
③ Switzerland is surrounded with other lands.
④ The Swiss appreciate the burning blue seas.
⑤ Switzerland is not far from the seas.

* 다음의 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 것을 골라라.[21-22]
21. A: Let me show you the way to the hall.
 B: _____________________.
① You are welcome
② Yes, let's
③ That's right
④ That's very nice of you.
⑤ That's quite all right

22. A: Have you made up your mind ?
 B: ________________.
① Yes, I did
② Yes, I had already determined
③ No, I don't mind it at all
④ Yes, it's unforgettable
⑤ No, not yet. Such a decision can't be taken in haste

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하여라.[23-25]
  A girl liked to take her dog for walks, but often the dog ran off and refused to come (1) when called. Then the girl (2) started making a big fuss over the dog -praise, baby talk, embraces - whenever it came to her without being called. Now the dog comes gladly (3) the moment it is called.

23. 밑줄 친 (1)의 절에서 생략된 부분을 올바르게 보충한 것은?
① when they called
② when it was called
③ when it called
④ when she was called
⑤ when she called

24. 밑줄 친 (2)의 표현과 내용이 가장 가까운 것은 ?
① 그 개를 치장시키기 시작했다
② 그 개를 달래기 시작했다
③ 그 개를 몹시 칭찬하기 시작했다
④ 그 개를 훈련시키기 시작했다
⑤ 그 개를 목욕시키기 시작했다

25. 밑줄 친 (3) 의 표현과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 것은 ?
① as soon as
② if
③ because
④ though
⑤ while

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