* 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 골라라.[1-4]
1. He is very humble toward his superiors.
 ① proud
 ② careful
 ③ angry
 ④ modest
 ⑤ kind

2. The situation demands quick action.
 ① stands for
 ② looks for
 ③ calls for
 ④ sets for
 ⑤ goes for

3. The car stopped in front of the bank.
 ① gave up
 ② stood up
 ③ set up
 ④ held up
 ⑤ pulled up

4. He made for the light he saws in the distance.
 ① looked at
 ② found out
 ③ went toward
 ④ switched on
 ⑤ worked at

다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 항을 골라라. [5-8]
5. I couldn't for the _____ of me get the better of her.
 ① good
 ② purpose
 ③ dream
 ④ life
 ⑤ sake

6. This food is not _____ my taste.
 ① of
 ② by
 ③ from
 ④ to
 ⑤ at

7. We have already informed them _______ the decision.
 ① in
 ② with
 ③ to
 ④ at
 ⑤ of

8. She looks ________ than she is.
 ① more young
 ② very young
 ③ much younger
 ④ very younger
 ⑤ much young

9. 다음 중 밑줄 친 곳의 발음이 같은 항을 고르면 ?
 ① blood - hood
 ② wool - brook
 ③ chamber - breakfast
 ④ breathe - smith
 ⑤ machine - obscure

* 다음 주어진 글과 내용이 가장 가까운 것을 골라라.[10-11]
10. In spite of great effort on his part, Fortune never smiled on him.
 ① It was fortunate that he made a great effort.
 ② He made a great effort, but he failed.
 ③ Because he made a great effort, he succeeded.
 ④ He could succeed without great effort.
 ⑤ Fortune felt annoyed at his great effort.

11. It's impossible to tell if he is trustworthy.
 ① We have no way of knowing if we can trust him.
 ② He cannot say if we are worthy of trust.
 ③ He cannot trust us if we don't tell him.
 ④ Even if he is trustworthy, it's possible that we can't tell him.
 ⑤ We cannot say that he is trustworthy.

12. 다음 중 문법상이나 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르면 ?
 ① She looks very healthful.
 ② I met a man whom I thought was a farmer.
 ③ God will forgive your sin from you.
 ④ This pen is twice as long as that one.
 ⑤ I will sit them one by one.

13. 다음 대화 중 밑줄 친 곳에 가장 알맞은 것은 ?
 Let's go for a walk.
 I'd like to, but I think I'm catching cold.
 That's too bad. The best cure for a cold is to take it ______. Be careful not to    go from bad to worse.
 ① hard
 ② loose
 ③ wrong
 ④ easy
 ⑤ right

14. 다음 우리말의 영작으로 가장 적합한 항을 고르면 ?
서울에서 동경까지 비행기로 몇 시간 걸린다고 생각하십니까 ?
 ① How long do you think does it take from Seoul to Tokyo by air ?
 ② How many hours do you think it takes to go from Seoul to Tokyo by
 airplane ?
 ③ Do you think how long it will take from Seoul to Tokyo by airplane ?
 ④ Do you think how many hours it takes to go from Seoul to Tokyo by
 airplane ?
 ⑤ How many hours do you think it takes to go from Seoul to Tokyo by
 the airplane?

15. 다음 두 사람의 대화 중 괄호에 가장 알맞은 것은 ?
 A: Tom, I'm out of typing paper. ____________.
 B: No, you'll have to go out and get some.
 ① Is that report all right ?
 ② I like the small size.
 ③ Let me lend you some.
 ④ Give one to me.
 ⑤ Have you got any ?

16. 다음 주어진 글의 화법을 올바르게 바꾼 것은 ?
 He asked them to sell off all their property and join him in the city.
 ① He said to them, " Sell off all their property and join him in the city."
 ② He said to them, " Sell off all your property and join me in the city."
 ③ He said to them, " Sell off all our property and join him in the city."
 ④ He said to them, " Sell off all our property and join me in the city."
 ⑤ He said to them, " Sell off all your property and join me in the city."

17. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 동의어로서 가장 알맞은 것을 고르면 ?
  It will take thirty minutes to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.
 ① considering
 ② explaining
 ③ criticizing
 ④ helping
 ⑤ owing to

18. 어법상 틀린 문장은 ?
 ① I tried myself to swim one thousand meters within half an hour.
 ② English is difficult to learn.
 ③ Ken persuaded Mike to learn Korean.
 ④ They believe each other to be intelligent.
 ⑤ We are expecting a typhoon to come tomorrow.

* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하여라.[19-21]
  Liquid food is digested quickly, but (1) ______ food may remain in the stomach for as (2) _____ as three hours. The thorough digestion of an ordinary meal takes (3)not less than twenty hours.
19. 밑줄 친 (1) 에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르면 ?
 ① sweet
 ② sour
 ③ bitter
 ④ solid
 ⑤ soft

20. 밑줄 친 (2)에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르면 ?
 ① short
 ② much
 ③ long
 ④ little
 ⑤ few

21. 밑줄 친 (3)의 번역으로 가장 옳은 것을 고르면 ?
 ① 적어도 20시간
 ② 20시간이나
 ③ 기껏해야 20시간
 ④ 약 20시간
 ⑤ 20시간 이하

* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하여라.[22-25]
  At the start, the king or president of the country in which the game (1)hold is presented. (2)The national anthem of that country is sung. Then follows a parade of all the contestants, each bearing his country's flag. This march is accompanied (3) _____ a sound of trumpets. Then the Olympic flag is raised. (4) Guns fire a salute.

22. 밑줄 친 (1) 의 올바른 형태를 고르면 ?
 ① hold
 ② was held
 ③ are being held
 ④ had been held
 ⑤ has been held

23. 밑줄 친 (2)의 번역으로 가장 옳은 것은 ?
 ① 찬송가
 ② 국가
 ③ 축복의 노래
 ④ 민요
 ⑤ 승리의 노래

24. 밑줄 친 (3) 에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은 ?
 ① of
 ② by
 ③ in
 ④ at
 ⑤ to

25. 밑줄 친 (4) 의 번역으로 가장 알맞은 항은?
 ① 弔砲를 울린다.
 ② 권총 사격으로 예의를 표시한다.
 ③ 대포들이 시작을 알린다
 ④ 대포들이 공포를 쏜다
 ⑤ 대포들이 예포를 발사한다.

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