1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 발음되지 않는 것은 ?
 ① folk
 ② bulk
 ③ silk
 ④ field
 ⑤ false

2. 다음 문장의 내용에 가장 부합되는 것은 ?
 Because all the money I made went for food and rent and the nursery, my baby didn't have pretty dresses or toys. The clothes she wore during the day belonged to the nursery.
 ① I could afford pretty dresses for her.
 ② I lived from hand to mouth.
 ③ I had enough money to buy everything for my baby.
 ④ I could save a lot of money for the future of my baby.
 ⑤ My baby was as happy as other babies.

3. Translate the underlined part into Korean.
 Why did you have to have such a big mouth and reveal all our private affairs ?
 ① 큰 입을 가지고 있다
 ② 많이 먹다
 ③ 소리를 지르다
 ④ 입이 크다
 ⑤ 말이 많다

Choose the best translation.[4-5]
4. Economic laws can no more be evaded than can gravitation.
 ① 경제 법칙을 피하는 것과 인력의 법칙을 피하는 것은 다르다.
 ② 경제 법칙을 피할 수 없는 것은 마치 인력의 법칙을 피할 수 없는 것과 같다.
 ③ 인력의 법칙에 어긋난다고 해서 반드시 경제 법칙에 어긋나는 것은 아니다.
 ④ 인력의 법칙과 경제 법칙은 상호 보완적이다.
 ⑤ 경제 법칙과 인력의 법칙을 무조건 따라서는 안 된다.

5. " 관광은 한국의 수입의 중요한 원천이다. “
 ① Tourism is one of important income for Korea.
 ② Tourism brings important income for Korea.
 ③ Tourism is an important source of revenue for Korea.
 ④ Tourism creates an important source of income for Korea.
 ⑤ Tourism is considered as an important income source for Korea.

* 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 같은 것은 ?[6-8]
6. The judge ruled that the man's claim to this father's land was legitimate.
 ① meaningless
 ② legal
 ③ infamous
 ④ denied
 ⑤ unhappy

7. Men have invented an artificial fiber.
 ① false
 ② artistic
 ③ new
 ④ archaic
 ⑤ synthetic

8. Such a thing is out of the question.
 ① impossible
 ② very easy
 ③ imaginable
 ④ very clear
 ⑤ beyond question

9. Choose one that can be replaced for the underlined part without changing the original meaning of the sentence.
  William James observed that the strength of any society is judged by the creativeness of its citizens.
 ① lawmakers
 ② people
 ③ municipalities
 ④ artists
 ⑤ leaders

10. 다음 문장 가운데 틀린 부분은 ?
 ①Compared ②about ③other areas the ④population of deserts ⑤is sparse.

11. Choose the correct answer.
  Have you ever been to France ?
 ① No, I've never been there, but my mother has.
 ② No, I have been there, and my mother has, too.
 ③ Yes, I have been there, and my mother has, either.
 ④ Yes, I've never been there, but my mother has, either.
 ⑤ No, I've never been there, and my mother has, too.

12. 다음 문장에서 Ok-Soon 과 In-Ho 의 공통점은 ?
 Yun-Sik: In-Ho, I'd like you to meet my sister, Ok-Soon. Ok-Soon is also a chemist.
 In-Ho: It's nice to meet you, Ok-Soon. I believe we even worked for the same drug company, although in different departments.
 ① 현재 같은 회사에 다니고 있다
 ② 서로 안면이 있는 사이이다.
 ③ 두 사람의 직업이 같다
 ④ 다른 백화점에서 일했다.
 ⑤ 서로 좋아하는 사이이다.

13. 다음 문장과 가장 가까운 영어식 표현은 ?
  He had hardly heard the news before he fainted.
 ① He had hardly heard the news until he fainted.
 ② He had heard the news before he did not faint.
 ③ He had scarcely heard the news before he fainted.
 ④ Scarcely had he heard the news before he did not fainted.
 ⑤ He had not heard the news when he fainted.

14. 다음 문장을 수동태로 고친 것 중 옳은 것은 ?
  A young lady has taught my son lessons in music .
 ① My son has been taught lessons in music by a young lady.
 ② My son was taught lessons in music by a young lady.
 ③ My son has is taught lessons in music by a young lady.
 ④ My son has been teach lessons in music by a young lady.
 ⑤ A young lady has been taught lessons in music by my son.

15. Choose the correct explanation.
 He is the last man to tell a lie.
 ① He will tell a lie at last.
 ② He will like to tell a lie.
 ③ He will never tell a lie.
 ④ He seems to tell a lie.
 ⑤ He lies only when inevitable.

다음 밑줄 친 곳에 가장 알맞은 것은 ? [16-19]
16. Because of a ________ engagement, John could not participate in the very important seminar.
 ① prescribed
 ② described
 ③ previous
 ④ prevalent
 ⑤ pleasant

17. You _________ me because I never said that I would meet you there.
 ① must be misunderstanding.
 ② must misunderstand
 ③ had to misunderstand
 ④ must have misunderstood
 ⑤ had to be misunderstanding.

18. Of the two sisters, I think Mary is ____________.
 ① the most beautiful
 ② less beautiful
 ③ more beautiful
 ④ the more beautiful
 ⑤ most beautiful

Playing to the country's strengths - a hard-working labor force - and away from its weakness - a lack of raw materials - the President Park Chung Hee orchestrated an infusion of the high technology.

The writer of the above passage states that ______________.
 ① Korea is lack of raw materials
 ② Korea is full of hard-working labor force
 ③ Korea is in need of high technology
 ④ Korea should be away from a lack of law materials
 ⑤ Developing Korea's strengths and compensating the short of its raw material, the former president arranged to induce Western Technology.

20. Pick up the misspelled word.
 ① begotten
 ② omitted
 ③ sufferred
 ④ embarrassed
 ⑤ occurred

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