1988년 3월 20일에 시행된 국가직(행자부) 9급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.

다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 골라라.[1-3]
1. With the development of modern methods of transportation and communication, rural areas have become less _________.
 ① developed
 ② isolated
 ③ necessary
 ④ interesting
 ⑤ convenient

2. The student finished his assignment. He felt ________.
 ① satisfy
 ② satisfying
 ③ satisfied
 ④ to satisfy
 ⑤ to be satisfied

답 ③
[해설] assignment – 숙제

3. Think twice before you make a promise. If you say you will do a thing, and neglect to do it, you will have told a lie; your friends will _________.
 ① speak well of you
 ② believe in your words
 ③ deceive you
 ④ lose faith in your word
 ⑤ speak ill of themselves

4. 뜻이 같도록 문장을 변형한 것 중 잘못된 것은 ?
 ① He seems to have been idle.
  =It seems that he was idle.
 ② It is twenty years since the bridge was built.
  =Twenty years have passed since the bridge was built.
 ③ Hardly had he finished the work, he went home.
  =As soon as he had finished the work, he had gone home.
 ④ Mr. Kim is the oldest worker in our company.
  =No other worker is older than Mr. Kim in our company.
 ⑤ I never see him without thinking of my boss.
  =Whenever I see him, I think of my boss.

답 ③
[해설] As soon as he finished the work, he went home.

5. 다음 단어의 풀이가 잘못 된 것은 ?
 ① laboratory : a place for experiment.
 ② microscope : an instrument used for seeing distant objects.
 ③ library : an arranged collection of books.
 ④ safe: a steel or iron box for money.
 ⑤ superstition : a foolish belief in supernatural powers.

답 ②
[해설] microscope – 현미경
distant – 멀리 있는
telescope – 망원경

[6-11] 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 골라라
6. I cannot afford the time, let alone the money.
 ① in view of
 ② not to mention
 ③ in addition to
 ④ not to concentrate on
 ⑤ but for

답 ②
[해설] let~alone-(사람•물건)을 그대로두다,내버려 두다,~에 간섭하지 않다
inviewof-① ~이 보이는 곳에. ② ~을 고려하여, ~에 비추어서, ~을 위하여,~을 예상해서
nottomention;withoutmentioning-~은 말할 것도 없고, ~은 고사하고,~은 물론
inadditionto-~에 더하여, ~일 뿐 아니라
butfor-①~이 없다면, ~않다면(without,ifitwerenotfor);~이 없었다면, ~않았다면(ifithadnotbeenfor,without).② ~를 빼고는(except)

7. He was obviously ill at ease.
 ① was comfortable
 ② was uncomfortable
 ③ was offensive
 ④ severely sick
 ⑤ was angry

답 ②
[해설] illatease-편하지 못하고, 안절부절 못하고

8. They went to prison on purpose.
 ① accidentally
 ② for good
 ③ intentionally
 ④ for their own sake
 ⑤ by the purpose

답 ③
[해설] prison – 감옥
on purpose – 고의로, 일부러

9. The two men turned around simultaneously at the sound of the whistle.
 ① at the same time
 ② in a similar manner
 ③ in order
 ④ in a hurry
 ⑤ one after another

답 ①
[해설] simultaneously – 동시에

10. It is needless to say that nothing is more important than to promote the development of foreign trade for independence of Korea.
 ① We must not say
 ② It is an important matter to say
 ③ It isn't a foreign trade
 ④ We have to promote
 ⑤ It goes without saying

11. What a stupid fellow he is ! I can't make him out at all.
 ① respect
 ② endure
 ③ understand
 ④ like
 ⑤ support

12. 밑줄 친 부분의 발음이 다른 하나는 ?
 ① casual
 ② treasure
 ③ confusion
 ④ usual
 ⑤ peasant

답 ⑤
[해설] peasant – 농부, 영세 농민, 소작인, 소작농, 시골 뜨기

13. 다음 주어진 글의 뜻을 잘 나타내는 격언은 ?
  There are many kinds of work in life. We must choose among them because our power and intelligence are limited. He who wants to do everything will never do anything. We ought to decide upon a point of attack and concentrate our forces there. Once the decision is made, let there be no change unless a serious accident happens. Let's do our best to achieve aim.
 ① Make hay while the sun shine.
 ② You can't eat your cake and have it.
 ③ Things done by haves can never be done.
 ④ A rolling stone gathers no moss.
 ⑤ There is no will, there is no way.

답 ④
[해설] Make hay whilethesunshines.-해가 나 있을 때 풀을 말려라, 호기를 놓치지 마라
You can'teatyourcakeandhaveit(too).-먹은 케이크는 남지 않는 법; 일이란 양립하기 어렵다.
A rolling stone gathers no moss. - 구르는 돌은 이끼가 끼지 않는다; 직업을 자주 바꾸는 사람에게는 돈이 모이지 않는다.

14. 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 문장은?
 ① I won't go out if it will rain.
 ② Lend me the book when you will finish it.
 ③ He has left for Pusan an hour ago.
 ④ The day will come when we will be able to travel to the moon.
 ⑤ The house is belonging to him.

답 ④
① I won't go out if it rains.
② Lend me the book when you have finished it.
③ He left for Pusan an hour ago.
⑤ The house belongs to him.

15. 다음 중 나머지 셋과 그 뜻이 다른 것은?
 ① Both John and Mary have not been to France before.
 ② John has not been to France before, and neither has Mary.
 ③ Neither John nor Mary has been to France before.
 ④ John hasn't been to France before, and Mary hasn't either.
 ⑤ John hasn't been to France before, nor has Mary.

답 ①
[해설] 부분부정

16. 다음 중 철자가 바르지 못한 단어가 들어 있는 것은 ?
 ① occurrence, truely
 ② emperor, calendar
 ③ sculpture, committee
 ④ glimpse, remembrance
 ⑤ sympathetic, literature

답 ①
[해설] ① truly

17. 다음 중 두 사람의 대화의 요점을 가장 잘 표현한 것은?
 A: I think some day a woman could become President of our country.
 B: Maybe so. But you have to be over thirty-five to be President , and
 where are you going to find a woman who will admit that she's over thirty-
 five ?
 ① It is impossible for a woman to become President.
 ② Women are sensible when they are over thirty-five years old.
 ③ Generally women think themselves younger than they are.
 ④ We prefer old woman to young woman for President.
 ⑤ Women will not be allowed to become President forever.

18. 다음 우리말을 영작한 것 중 옳은 것은 ?
 한국의 인구는 필리핀의 인구보다 훨씬 많다.
 ① The population of Korea is much more than that of Philippine.
 ② Korea's population is much larger than that of Philippine.
 ③The population of Korea is much larger than that of the Philippines.
 ④ Korean people are much more than Philippine people.
 ⑤The population of Korea is much bigger than those of the Philippines.

19. 다음 글을 읽고 Lincoln 의 의도를 가장 잘 표현한 항을 골라라.
  One cold day when Lincoln was walking along the Springfield road, he came up to a man who was driving by in a carriage and asked him if he would take his overcoat into town. "With pleasure." the man said, "but how will you get it again?" " Very readily. " said Lincoln. "I intend to remain in it. "
 ① He intended to ask if he could take his overcoat.
 ② He intended to get a lift in the carriage free of charge.
 ③ He intended to get the man to carry his overcoat alone.
 ④ He intended to have got on the carriage in his overcoat.
 ⑤ He intended to take off his overcoat , walking on foot.

20. 다음 A, B 의 대화 중 가장 어색한 것은 ?
 ① A: I beg your pardon ?
        I forgot to bring your book.
    B: Oh, that's all right.
 ② A: Will you pass me the salt ?
    B: Here you are.
 ③ A: Is it all right if I come back around four ?
    B: Certainly. Do as you please.
 ④ A: Would you show me the way to Ban-Do Hotel?
    B: I'm sorry, but I am a stranger here.
 ⑤ A: I cannot thank you enough.
    B: I am sorry to hear that.

답 ⑤
[해설] cannot - too, too much, enough - 아무리 많이 ~해도 지나치지 않다.

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