1989년 3월 19일에 시행한 국가직 (행자부) 9급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제 입니다.

1. 주어진 글과 가장 가까운 뜻을 가진 것은 ?
 Jane said that Bob had evidently taken money from Beth.
 ① It was evident that Jane said Bob had taken money from Beth.
 ② Jane evidently said that Bob had taken money from Beth.
 ③ Accordingly to Jane's evidence, Bob stole money from Beth.
 ④ Jane was said to have evidently taken money Beth.
 ⑤ Accordingly to Jane, it was evident that Bob had taken money from Beth.

답 ⑤

[해설] 부사의 위치에 따라 수식하는 말이 달라진다. evidently는 taken동사를 수식한다.

[2-7]. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 알맞은 것은 ?
2. Even in rural areas in New England, there is little land area per inhabitant. People must live close together, and there is no room for ________.
 ① homes to live in
 ② large farms
 ③ moving to other places
 ④ wasting time.
 ⑤ roads and highways.

3. His work ____, Robert went out with Emily.
 ① has been done
 ② was done
 ③ is done
 ④ done
 ⑤ will be done

답 ④

[해설] 독립분사구문

4. He rapidly learned to speak English, __________.
 ① of which they were all astonished.
 ② which made them astonish.
 ③ at which they were all astonished
 ④ the rapidity of which astonished them all.
 ⑤ from which they were all astonished.

답 ③

[해설] 앞 문장 전체를 선행사로 받는 관계대명사는 which

We are no more responsible for the evil thoughts which pass through our minds , than a scarecrow for the birds which fly over the seed plot he has to guard; the sole responsibility in each case is to prevent them from _______.
 ① flying
 ② settling
 ③ passing
 ④ doing
 ⑤ thinking

답 ②

[해설] scarecrow – 허수아비

No matter what you can do well you can usually find somebody who can do it better. And no matter how well you do something you can always ________ it by working on it some more.
 ① hope
 ② learn
 ③ begin
 ④ improve
 ⑤ settle

7. You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post. I don't think you judged your ability when you applied for it, _____ you ?
 ① do
 ② did
 ③ don't
 ④ didn't
 ⑤ haven't

답 ②

[해설] 부가의문문

8. 다음 정의에 해당하는 단어는 ?
 Right or advantage available to only a particular person, class or rank.
 ① sovereign
 ② patent
 ③ servitude
 ④ nobility
 ⑤ privilege

답 ⑤

sovereign – 주권자, 원수, 군주, 독립국
patent - 특허(권), 특허증, 특허품
servitude – 노예임, 예속, 고역, 강제, 노동
nobility – 고결함, 숭고, 귀족
privilege – 특권

9. 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 잘못이 있는 것은 ?
 ① There is nothing for it but to surrender.
 ② Students should avail themselves to the books in the library.
 ③ He went on with his work.
 ④ She did nothing but cry all day long.
 ⑤ Bad weather kept us from going out.

답 ②

① there is nothing for it but to-v - ~하는 수밖에 없다 surrender – 양도하다
② avail oneself of – 이용하다
③ go on with – 계속하다
④ S + do nothing but v - ~하기만 한다
⑤ prevent / ban / keep / stop / hinder / prohibit + o + from + v-ing ~가 ~하는 것을 막다 / 금지하다

10. 주어진 우리말을 올바르게 영작한 것은 ?
 일요일은 오전 10시부터 오후 4시까지 늘 집에 있습니다.
 ① On Sundays I shall be at home any time between 10 a.m and 4 p.m.
 ② I will always stay home if possible from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. on Sundays.
 ③ You can see me at 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. every Sundays.
 ④ It is my habit to serve my visitor at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sundays.
 ⑤ I am free at home between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on a Sundays.

답 ①

② 현재습관 – 현재시제
③ each, every, either – 단수 취급

11. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 것은 ?
 Even the slightest pain was too severe for him to bear.
 =He could not ______ the slightest pain.
 ① be endurable
 ② allow
 ③ stand
 ④ be impatient
 ⑤ be unbearable

답 ③

① endurable – 참을 수 있는
③ stand – 참다

[12-13] 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 같은 것은 ?
12. The audience was composed of people from all walks of life.
 ① occupations
 ② ages
 ③ men and women
 ④ districts
 ⑤ over the world

답 ①

all walks[or every walk] of life - (사회의) 모든 분야[직업, 계급]
district – 구역

13. More than anything else, a governor needs to have an eye for what will interest the public.
 ① have responsibility for
 ② pay attention to
 ③ have good judgement for
 ④ take advantage of
 ⑤ make use of

답 ③

have an eye for - ~에 대한 안목이 있다
② fix / give / pay attention to - ~에 주의하다, 유의하다
④ take advantage of - (기회 따위)를 이용(활용)하다
⑤ make use of - ~을 사용(이용)하다

14. 문장 전환이 잘못된 것은 ?
 ① It is no use solving this problem.
    =There is no use in solving this problem.
 ② There is no solving this problem.
    =We can't solve this problem.
 ③ It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy.
    =It is a matter of course that honesty is the best policy.
 ④ What do you say to going to the concert ?
    =Let's go to the concert, shall we ?
 ⑤ This problem is worth solving.
    =It is worth while to solving this problem.

답 ⑤

① ~해도 소용없다 - It is no use / good v-ing = There is no use / good (in) v-ing
② ~할 수 없다 - There is no v-ing = We cannot v
③ ~는 말할 필요도 없다 - It goes without saying that s + v = It is a matter of course that s + v
④ ~하는 게 어때? - What do you say to v-ing? = Let’s + v
⑤ ~할 가치가 있다 - be worth v-ing = be worth while to-v

15. 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 뜻으로 쓰인 것은 ?
  I gave my father an account of the game.
 ① You may as well have an account with the bank.
 ② On no account you should enter the classroom.
 ③ On account of your ignorance, you made a mistake.
 ④ This is an incorrect account of the matter.
 ⑤ I did it on your account.

답 ④

account - 금전의 계산, 금전 거래, 계좌, 계산서, 변명, 설명, 평가, 고려, 기술, 이야기, 원인, 이익, 덕 고객, 단골
have an account with - ~와 거래가 있다, ~에 계좌가 있다
on no account - 결코(절대로) ~않다(아니다)
on account of - (어떤 이유) 때문에, ~까닭[탓]으로, ~으로

16. 다음 문장의 내용과 일치하는 것은 ?
 The change in the relationship between parents and children is a particular example of the general spread of democracy. Parents are no longer sure of their rights as against their children; children no longer feel that they owe respect to their parents.
 ① Owing to democracy mutual understanding has been firmly established in the relation between parents and children.
 ② The virtue of obedience is regarded highly by youngsters.
 ③ Parents are very self-confident in their rights about their children.
 ④ Sometimes parents are quite at a loss as to what to do in educating their children.
 ⑤ The changes in the relationship between parents and children nowadays are very desirable.

답 ④

at a loss - 당황해 하다, 어찌할 바를 모르다

17. 주어진 문장과 같은 듯으로 바르게 바꿔 쓴 것은 ?
 They say that he was a famous writer.
 ① He is said to have been a famous writer.
 ② He was said to have been a famous writer.
 ③ He is said to be a famous writer.
 ④ He was said to be a famous writer.
 ⑤ It is said to have been a famous writer.

18. 다음 중 철자가 잘못 된 것은 ?
 ① sattelite
 ② anniversary
 ③ committee
 ④ antenna
 ⑤ communication

답 ①

① satellite – 위성, 인공위성(artificial satellite)
② anniversary – 해마다의
③ committee – 위원회
④ antenna – 안테나
⑤ communication – 의사소통

19. 다음 문장의 요점을 가장 잘 표현한 것은 ?
  A quest who had been waiting for his order for more than half an hour said to the waiter when he finally appeared ; " Are you the same waiter I gave my order to? I expected a much older one. "
 ① 주문한 음식과 다르다고 손님이 웨이터를 꾸짖는 글
 ② 음식이 늦게 나왔다고 손님이 웨이터를 비꼬아 꼬집는 글
 ③ 늙은 웨이터 때문에 손님이 불쾌하게 생각하는 내용
 ④ 음식점에 시계가 없음을 불평하는 글
 ⑤ 명령에 복종하지 않는 다고 웨이터를 꾸짖는 내용

20. 다음 중 액센트의 위치가 다른 것은 ?
 ① imaginable
 ② comparable
 ③ profitable
 ④ preferable
 ⑤ admirable

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