1990년 국가직(행자부) 7급 영어 기출문제입니다.

1. 다음 중 밑줄 친 單語의 액센트의 위치가 같은 항목은?
 ① He was present at the meeting yesterday.
    He will present a book to his teacher.
 ② I don't object to your plan.
    Tell me the object of your plan.
 ③ You must be above such a mean conduct.
    You must conduct the orchestra well.
 ④ I consider your deed as an insult.
    I won't have you insult me.
 ⑤ There is a limit to everything.
    He will limit his questions to 30 words.

2. 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 같은 것은 ?
  Looking at the baby, the driver said, " My goodness!" What an ugly baby ! I don't think I have ever seen an uglier baby.
 ① I don't think it's an ugly baby I have ever seen.
 ② I remember it's the ugly baby I have seen.
 ③ I'm afraid it's the ugliest baby I've ever seen.
 ④ I think it's an uglier baby I have never seen.
 ⑤ I don't think I've ever seen such a pretty baby.

3. 의미상으로 가장 잘 연결된 것은 ?
  This old college is organized on principles which have never been altered since they were first set forth by its ________.
 ① scholars
 ② architect
 ③ founders
 ④ graduates
 ⑤ governor

4. Choose the one that makes the same idea to the statement.
  Last night Mr. and Mrs. Miller would have had a better time if they had known only some of the other guests at the party.
 ① There was no one who had a better time than Mr. and Mrs. Miller did.
 ② Mr. and Mrs. Miller seemed to know few people at the party.
 ③ Most of the quests had a good time at the party.
 ④ Everyone had a good time at the party.
 ⑤ Mr. and Mrs. Miller wanted to participate in any party and become acquainted with other guests.

5. 다음 글 중 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻에 가장 가까운 것은 ?
 This type of computer is obsolete.
 ① expensive
 ② convenient
 ③ outmoded
 ④ very modern
 ⑤ dangerous

[6-10]Choose the one that best complete the sentence.
 6. When I was walking along the busy street, I came ______ an old friend of mine. I asked him if his family were getting along well.
 ① to
 ② upon
 ③ across
 ④ at
 ⑤ by

7. “ I will do my best to _____ my parents."
 ① happy
 ② please
 ③ see
 ④ meet
 ⑤ enjoy

 Belief in God is not essential to belief in immortality, but it is difficult to dissociate one from the other. These two notions have been so _____ connected that a life after death has always been looked upon as the most powerful instrument to God's hand in his dealings with the human race.
 ① ingenuously
 ② unfriendly
 ③ miserly
 ④ inseparably
 ⑤ ruthlessly

9. Driver who obey traffic laws are examples of ________.
 ① why traffic codes cannot be enforced.
 ② why police must protect our streets.
 ③ those to whom a law is a dead letter.
 ④ the unlawful deed.
 ⑤ people who voluntarily comply with the law.

Until recently, people in many parts of the country could have orange juice during only a few month. Now orange juice is put up cans, so that it is available regardless of the _________.
 ① region
 ② season
 ③ weather
 ④ climate
 ⑤ soil

11. 다음 문장을 가정법으로 바꿔 쓴 것 중 옳은 것은 ?
  As I did not have enough money, I couldn't help him.
 ① If I had enough money, I could help him.
 ② If I have had enough money, I could help him.
 ③ If I have had enough money, I could have helped him.
 ④ If I had had enough money, I could help him.
 ⑤ If I had had enough money, I could have helped him.

12. 다음 빈칸에 문법적으로 가장 알맞은 것은 ?
  A telephone _______ in your office next week.
 ① installed
 ② will install
 ③ will be installed
 ④ installs
 ⑤ is being installed

13. Choose the sentence which is appropriate in standard written English.
 ① It goes without saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
 ② My grandmother seems to glad to talk in English to anyone.
 ③ She usually studies English with a tape recorder besides her.
 ④ My father was gardened with a pipe in his mouth.
 ⑤ The ship sat sail with a blue flag fluttering on its mast.

14. 다음 문장이 뜻하는 바는 ?
  Love is not a relationship with a specific person. Love of the helpless one is the beginning of brotherly love. To love one's own flesh and blood is no achievement. Only in the love of those who do not serve a purpose, does love begin to unfold. By having compassion for the helpless one, man begins to develop love for his brother.
 ① 자신을 먼저 사랑해야 남도 사랑할 줄 안다.
 ② 자기 형제를 사랑하지 못하는 사람이 어찌 남을 사랑할 것인가.
 ③ 맹목적인 사랑이 진정한 사랑이다.
 ④ 먼저 자기 형제를 사랑하고 그 다음에는 자기에게 도움이 되지 않는 사람도 사랑해라
 ⑤ 자기에게 도움이 되지 않는 사람들까지도 사랑하게 되어야 진정한 사랑이 피기 시작한다.

15. 다음 문장에서 틀린 철자가 포함되어 있지 않은 것은 ?
 ① She conffessed her fault.
 ② Soon her husband was to be recomended as the bank president.
 ③ She returned from her happy shoping.
 ④ She was as inocent as a lark.
 ⑤ She was proud of her dexterity in money matters.

16. 다음 외래어의 원어가 옳은 것은 ?
 ① 삐라 - bill
 ② 미사일 - missail
 ③ 에그 후라이 - egg fry
 ④ 샐러리 맨 - salary man
 ⑤ 팜플렛 - pamplet

17. 밑줄 친 부분이 가장 잘 飜譯된 것은 ?
 A: 여보세요. 박사장님 계십니까 ?
 B: 안 계십니다. 외출 중이신데요. 누구시지요 ?
 A: 나는 김영수인데 돌아오시는 대로 전화 좀 걸어 주시라 해 줘요.
 ① My name is Yong Soo Kim. When he returns, tell him I called.
 ② I am Yong Soo Kim and I will call him back when he comes in.
 ③ My name is Yong Soo Kim. Please have him call me as soon as he comes back.
 ④ Yong Soo Kim is my name. When he returns,  he will telephone me.
 ⑤ I am Yong Soo Kim. As he returns, please telephone me.

18. Choose the one that best completes the following sentence.
  It is people who turn a city from a collection of streets and buildings into a community.  No matter how well a city is designed, it will not ultimately come to life, unless _______.
 ① city planners design very well according to blueprints.
 ② it has large numbers of skyscrapers and paved streets.
 ③ it is built strictly by the book according to detailed plans that will also         control future growth.
 ④ it inspires the love and loyalty of the people who live and work in it.
 ⑤ it has a strip of modern stores and large areas of streets.

19. Choose the one that will correctly complete the conversation.
 " Well, here you are at last ! I thought you'd never make it! "
 " Sorry. The reason I'm so late is ______ . "
 ① the car breaks down
 ② due to the car breaking down
 ③ that the car broke down
 ④ because often car breaking down
 ⑤ the car is broken down

20. Choose the one which is grammatically incorrect.
 [갑]The more we are making advancements [을]in science[병]the more we seem [정]fear and deny the reality of death.
 ① 갑
 ② 을
 ③ 병
 ④ 정
 ⑤ 正答 없음

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