1994년 1월 30일에 시행된 법원직 9급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.

1. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하라.[1-3]
  In English medical care is national , which means the government pays for all medical care. But in the United States it is very ________ , which means each person pays for his own medical care. Everyone in England gets medical care, even the poor, but in the United States it is not like this. In America the poor sometimes get help from the government.
1. 윗글의 제목으로 알맞은 것은 ?
 ① How to Get Medical Care in England.
 ② Comparison of Medical Care between Two Nations.
 ③ Governmental Help for the Poor in America.
 ④ Satisfactory Medical Care in the Development.

2. 윗글의 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 단어는 ?
 ① ample
 ② uncertain
 ③ private
 ④ substantial

3. 윗글의 내용으로 보아 영국에 대해 추론할 수 있는 것은 ?
 ① A lot of travelers are strolling the streets.
 ② The English have to pay much tax for social welfare.
 ③ Most of the English people wish to live in America.
 ④ Many English people are complaining of their poor standard of living.

4. 다음 설명에 해당하는 단어는 ?
  What five-letter word beginning with a "d" might be used to express the idea of not believing someone or questioning the truth of something.
 ① doubt
 ② dissent
 ③ death
 ④ difficulty

5. 다음 글에서 미국의 흑인 중 빈민층에 속하는 사람 수는?
 In the United States, 14.3 percent of its population lives below the poverty lone. That includes one-third of the nation's 30 million blacks and one-fourth of the 22 million Hispanics.
 ① 1 천만 명
 ② 1천 5백만 명
 ③ 2천만 명
 ④ 3천만 명.

6. 다음 중 의도하는 바가 나머지 셋과 다른 것은 ?
 ① Remember me to your brother.
 ② Tell your brother to call me up.
 ③ Give my wishes to your brother.
 ④ Say hello to your brother, please.

7. 다음 중 같은 뜻이 되도록 바꾸어 쓴 것 중 틀린 것은 ?
 ① I don't quite follow what you mean.
  =I don't understand what you mean.
 ② The man had the kindness to help the old lady.
  =The man kindly helped the old lady.
 ③ Finish the work at once.
  =You should be finished the work at once.
 ④ I will give you this book.
  =You shall have this book.

* 다음 영문을 읽고 질문에 답하라[8-10]
  Human and political freedom has never existed and cannot exist without a large measure of economic freedom. Those of us who have been born in a free society tend to regard freedom as the natural state of mankind. It is not - it is a rare and precious thing.
 Most people throughout history, most people today, have lived in conditions of tyranny and misery , not of freedom and prosperity.
8. Political freedom _________.
 ① is dependent on economic freedom.
 ② has nothing to do with economic freedom.
 ③ comes before economic freedom
 ④ and economic freedom cannot exist together.

9. ________ can be regarded as a natural pair.
 ① History and misery
 ② Tyranny and prosperity
 ③ Freedom and misery
 ④ Misery and tyranny

10. Most people in the world today _______.
 ① have done away with miseries
 ② enjoy economic freedom in particular
 ③ lead a prosperous life
 ④ are in want of freedom

11. 다음 글을 읽고 외국어를 배우는 데 가장 요구되는 사항은 ?
  Learning a new language calls for no great originality of mind or critical faculty, but it demands an eager intellectual curiosity and a constant and lively interest in the endless ways in which human ideas may be expressed.
 ① 인내심
 ② 언어 감각
 ③ 지적 호기심
 ④ 비판 능력

12. 다음 글은 어떤 운동과 관계가 있는가 ?
  It had snowed during the night, but now a bright winter sun shone down on the beautiful white slope, warming the crowds of people who had come to watch.
 ① ice hockey
 ② skiing
 ③ ice show
 ④ skating

13. “ 똑같은 실수를 다시 저지르지 않으려고 나는 굉장히 애를 썼다. ”를 바르게 영작한 것은 ?
 ① I tried hard not to make the same mistake again.
 ② Hardly tried I not to make the same mistake again.
 ③ I did not try to make the same mistake two times.
 ④ I tried hard to make not the same mistake again.

14. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 뜻이 되도록 다음 문장의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것은 ?
  If the flower _____ an inch more to right or left, Its fate _______.
 ① were grown up - would be sealed.
 ② were growing up - would be sealed
 ③ was growing up - would seal
 ④ had grown up - would have been sealed

15. 윗 글은 다음 중 어느 것을 비유한 글인가 ?
 ① 인간의 운명
 ② 인간의 환희
 ③ 인간의 승리
 ④ 안간의 비극

16. 다음 글의 주제는 ?
  Increased leisure and the lack of outlet for violent instincts in urban life bring about an aimless type of violence among teenagers, which arouses anxiety among grown-ups.
 ① 현대도시의 여유 있는 생활
 ② 공부에 몰두하는 젊은이들
 ③ 무분별한 청소년 폭력의 원인
 ④ 도시 거주 성인들의 관심사

17. 다음은 한국의 무엇에 대해 기술한 것인가 ?
  The korean script was invented in the 15th century by a group of scholars under the patronage of a great King. Before the invention of these simple phonetic symbols, Korean was written by means of Chinese characters.
 ① 풍습
 ② 글
 ③ 종교
 ④ 과학 기술

18. 다음 짝지어진 단어의 밑줄 친 부분의 발음이 다른 것은 ?
 ① extra - expert
 ② excite - exceed
 ③ expensive - extreme
 ④ excuse - exhibit

19. 다음 문장 중에서 올바른 것은 ?
 ① If you intend to climb a mountain, these shoes want repairing.
 ② Last night I was busy to prepare for the examination.
 ③ I little dreamt to see you here.
 ④ I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

20. 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 것을 골라라.
  We should look upon money only as a means to desirable ends. The things that it can purchase are more important than __________.
 ① a rich man
 ② desirable ends
 ③ a stable economy
 ④ money itself

* 다음 글을 읽고 답하라. [21-22]
  As the years went by the cave people discovered new things which made their lives more comfortable. Fire was probably the most important discovery in those early days. When a boy rubbed two dry sticks together the heat set the sticks (  1  ) fire. A man found that. He could start a fire  (   2   ) striking one hardstone against another.
21. The discovery of fire seems to have been ________.
 ① an incidental event.
 ② a result of study
 ③ a by-product of hunting
 ④ an outcome of consideration

22. 윗글 (1)과 (2)에 차례대로 전치사를 넣을 때 맞는 것은 ?
 ① in - with
 ② on - by
 ③ by -for
 ④ at - with

23. 다음 괄호 안에 들어갈 알맞은 것은 ?
 I am not rich, ( ) do I wish to be.
 ① as
 ② for
 ③ nor
 ④ who 

24. 다음 대화의 대답으로 틀린 것은 ?
 ① Can I talk to Mr. Smith ?
   -Yes, he is not in.
 ② Did you break the window ?
  -Sorry, but I couldn't help it.
 ③ Do you have time ?
  -Yes, I'm free now.
 ④ Will you do me a favor ?
  -Sure. What is it ?

25. 다음 우리 말이 잘못 옮겨진 영문은 ?
 " 존씨, 전화 왔습니다.“
 ① You are wanted on  the phone, Mr. John.
 ② Mr. John someone wants you on the phone.
 ③ There's a call for you, Mr. John.
 ④ Mr. John , you have a calling.

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