1990년 3월 25일에 시행된 법원직 9급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.
1. 다음 중 명사형이 틀린 항은?
① argue - argument
② develop - development
③ envelop - envelope
④ reveal - revealation
⑤ admit - admission
2. 다음 중 primary accent의 위치가 같은 것끼리 짝지어진 항은 ?
① lunatic - dramatic
② educate - contribute
③ diplomacy -democracy
④ population - alternative
⑤ patriot -astronomer
3. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 발음이 같은 것은 ?
He is said to have many learned Friends.
① burned
② limited
③ laughed
④ managed
⑤ bathed
* 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 골라라[(4-7)
4. Washing wool in hot water will make it shrink.
① become torn
② become smaller
③ lose color
④ increase in size
⑤ smell fresh
5. Punctuality is imperative in your new job.
① Being on time
② Being cheerful
③ Being courteous
④ Being efficient
⑤ Being full of hope
6. Could you make out what he was saying ?
① remember
② recite
③ publish
④ comprehend
⑤ endure
7. The committee came out in favor of the minister's proposals.
① decided to reject
② decided to correct
③ decided to return
④ decided to delay
⑤ decided to support
* 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 알맞은 것을 골라라.[8-9]
8. The rapid increase in population gave rise to a _______ of houses.
① movement
② shortage
③ change
④ damage
⑤ reduction
9. The question now ______ is whether the majority desire it or not.
① at ease
② at most
③ at least
④ at issue
⑤ at random
* 다음 주어진 말의 동의어로 알맞은 것을 골라라.[10-12]
10. How come you say so ?
① What
② When
③ Where
④ How
⑤ Why
11. Go on in front ; I'll soon catch up with you.
① understand
② exceed
③ outstrip
④ seize
⑤ overtake
12. By and large, war slows cultural development.
① in general
② Gradually
③ As soon as
④ Perhaps
⑤ In detail
* 다음 영문을 읽고 물음에 답하라.[13-16]
Soon she came to a big lake. There was neither ship nor boat to carry her cross, and there was not enough ice over the lake for her to walk (1)__________ it, (2) _______ was it shallow enough for her to (3) wade through. |
① by
② under
③ below
④ beneath
⑤ upon
14. 밑줄 친 (2)에 들어갈 알맞은 것은 ?
① neither
② and
③ but
④ nor
⑤ or
15. 밑줄 친 (3)의 번역으로 알맞은 것은 ?
① 걸어서 건너다
② 간신히 돌파하다
③ 돌아서 가다
④ 배를 타고 건너다
⑤ 뛰어넘다
16. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은 ?
① She was disappointed to find that she could not cross the lake.
② She prayed that God might help her.
③ She longed to cross the big lake very much.
④ She attempted to cross the big lake but failed.
⑤ She undressed to cross the lake.
17. 다음 우리말을 영작으로 가장 알맞은 것은 ?
건강은 아무리 주의해도 지나치지 않다.
① We cannot be careful of our health.
② We cannot be too careful of our health.
③ Our health is too important for us to be careful.
④ Our health is more important than anything else.
⑤ We cannot live a long life unless we neglect our health.
18. 다음 두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 할 때 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 것은 ?
Not a star was to be seen in the sky.
=Not a star was __________ in the sky.
① audible
② seen
③ visible
④ bearable
⑤ invisible
* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하라. [19-22]
Ancient economies had no paper money or coins. Some used barter (1) _______. Others used all kinds of objects as money. Animals or metals were popular, and (2) so were manufactured products like jewelry or weapons. Wealth in ancient Greece was measured in tools or cattle. This kind of money had two purposes. First, it was useful in itself. Tools and cattle can be used for farming. And second, it was a way to measure value. A house, for example, would be valued at a certain (3) ______ of tools or cattle. |
① trading money for things
② trading things for money
③ exchanging things for coins
④ exchanging coins for things
⑤ trading things for things
20. 밑줄 친 (2)의 뜻풀이가 옳은 것은 ?
① manufactured products were popular, too.
② manufactured products were not popular, either.
③ manufactured products were also used.
④ manufactured products weren't used, either.
⑤ manufactured products were also useful.
21. 문맥상 (3)에 알맞은 것은 ?
① size
② color
③ weight
④ number
⑤ strength
22. In ancient societies, _____________.
① any things served as money
② the idea of trading had not yet spread among people
③ money had to be valuable or useful in itself
④ manufactured products replaced animals as their money
⑤ people used popular things as money
* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하라.[23-25]
An old lion lay in his cave and (1) made believe to be ill. When any animals came to visit him, he killed them and ate them. A fox stood at a distance and inquired how the lion felt. The lion said that he was very sick and invited the fox to come in. The fox replied that he (2)would have if he had not noticed that there were many tracks going in and none coming out. |
23. 밑줄 친 (1) 과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것은 ?
① pretended
② appeared
③ happened
④ seemed
⑤ proved
24. 밑줄 친 (2) 다음에 생략된 단어는 ?
① replied
② noticed
③ come in
④ invited
⑤ inquired
25. We can learn from this story that if we look for and recognize danger signals we can avoid __________.
① animals
② caves
③ tracks
④ fortunes
⑤ injury
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