1993년 4월 25일에 시행한 국가직 (행자부) 9급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.
* 문장의 내용상 밑줄 친 곳에 가장 적합한 것을 골라라.[1-5]
Having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched by books: it proves nothing more than that he or his father was _____. |
② intelligent enough to keep it.
③ rich enough to buy it.
④ anxious to keep it.
Mary ran into the house , threw her coat over a chair, flew past her astonished parents to her room, slammed the door , flung herself face down on the bed and began to cry ___________. |
② because she was very tired
③ because she was jolly and ambitious
④ because her parents were astonished
Nevertheless, Cinderella in her shabby clothes was far more beautiful than the sisters, no matter how magnificently they were _________. |
② beautiful
③ dressed
④ shabby
shabby – 누더기의. magnificently – 화려한.
4. In spite of her husband's small salary, she was _______ in everything she bought.
① expensive
② exquisite
③ elegant
④ extravagant
② exquisite – 훌륭한, 민감한, 세련된.
③ elegant – 우아한, 고상한.
④ extravagant – 낭비하는, 사치스러운.
③ elegant – 우아한, 고상한.
④ extravagant – 낭비하는, 사치스러운.
5. Astronomers study the stars through a _________.
① telescope
② microscope
③ periscope
④ magnifier
[해석] 천문학자들은 망원경을 통해 별을 연구한다.
[해설] ③ periscope – 잠망경. ④ magnifier – 돋보기.
[해설] ③ periscope – 잠망경. ④ magnifier – 돋보기.
[6-7] 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 알맞은 것은?
The most sinister evil of this day is the widespread conviction that war is inevitable, and that there is no time left for discussion. It is doubtful if the mass of Americans who accept this judgement realize what its ______ are. |
② implication
③ feelings
④ contents
sinister – 불길한, 상서롭지 못한, 사악한, 부패한.
evil – 악행, 불행, 재해.
conviction – 유죄판결, 신념, 확신.
inevitable – 피할 수 없는, 필연적인.
② implication – 함축, 포함, 암시, 연루.
evil – 악행, 불행, 재해.
conviction – 유죄판결, 신념, 확신.
inevitable – 피할 수 없는, 필연적인.
② implication – 함축, 포함, 암시, 연루.
7. This rule has become quite out of date: It ___________ a long time ago.
① had been abolished
② should have been abolished
③ shall be abolished
④ should be abolished
[해석] 이 법규는 시대에 뒤지게 되었다. 그것은 오래 전에 폐지되었어야 했다.
[해설] out of date – 구식의, 시대에 뒤진, 무효의.
abolish - ~을 폐지하다, 무효로 하다.
[해설] out of date – 구식의, 시대에 뒤진, 무효의.
abolish - ~을 폐지하다, 무효로 하다.
8. 주어진 동사의 명사형이 잘못된 것은 ?
① conclude - conclusion
② remember - rememberance
③ explain - explanation
④ repeat - repetition
② rememberance -> remembrance
[9-10] 밑줄 친 말의 가장 가까운 뜻을 골라라.
9. As soon as you arrive in the United States, you can get in touch with me.
① call on
② hear of
③ communicate with
④ look for
get in touch with - ~와 연락 / 접촉하다.
① call on - ~와 (전화로) 이야기하다, 비난하다, 방문하다.
② hear of – 전해 듣다.
① call on - ~와 (전화로) 이야기하다, 비난하다, 방문하다.
② hear of – 전해 듣다.
10. We must never allow our nation to fall into servitude.
① fall in service
② fall into ruin
③ become enslaved
④ fall in altitude
[해석] 우리는 우리나라가 노예 상태로 되는 것을 절대 허락해서는 안 된다.
[해설] fall into - ~에 빠지다, (어떤 상태)로 되다, ~으로 나뉘다, 분류되다, ~에 종사하다. servitude – 노예 상태
[해설] fall into - ~에 빠지다, (어떤 상태)로 되다, ~으로 나뉘다, 분류되다, ~에 종사하다. servitude – 노예 상태
11. 다음과 같은 경우에 밑줄 친 곳에 가장 알맞은 것은?
When you want your teacher to do something for you, you say, " ____________. " |
② What can I do for you, sir ?
③ May I help you, sir ?
④ Will you do me a favor, sir ?
[해석] 네가 너를 위해 선생님이 어떤 것을 하기를 원할 때, 너는 말한다. 청이 하나 있는데요. 선생님
① be fond of - ~을 좋아하다, ~이 좋다.
② What can I do for you, sir? 제가 도와드릴 일이 있을까요?
③ May I help you, sir? – 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
④ Will you do me a favor, sir? – 청이 하나 있는데요. 선생님
① be fond of - ~을 좋아하다, ~이 좋다.
② What can I do for you, sir? 제가 도와드릴 일이 있을까요?
③ May I help you, sir? – 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
④ Will you do me a favor, sir? – 청이 하나 있는데요. 선생님
12. 다음 글이 나타내는 단어는 ?
A person in charge of a newspaper,magazine, etc. who decides what shall be permitted in it. |
② critic
③ editor
④ publisher
in charge of - ~을 맡아서, 담당해서, ~에게 맡겨져, 위탁되어.
13. 다음 중 어법에 맞지 않는 것은?
① There is no one but does not know the fact.
② You can give it to whoever you think is honest.
③ Parks are to the city as lungs are to the body.
④ Who is there but desires peace ?
③ A is to B what / as C is to D - A가 B에 대한 것은 C가 D에 대한 것과 같다.
14. 다음 문장 중 맞는 것은 ?
① It was this room that the incident took place.
② You as well as he is guilty.
③ Half of the money belongs to me.
④ A thousand dollars are a large sum.
15. 다음 밑줄 친 곳과 같은 뜻의 단어가 있는 것은 ?
Who raised the question ?
① I raised my glass to him.
② When do you think they will raise our salary ?
③ The genius was raised by the poor man. So was I.
④ No one will raise such an objection.
[해석] ④ 아무도 이의를 제기하지 않을 것이다.
[해설] raise a question – 문제를 제기하다. ④ objection – 반대, 이의
[해설] raise a question – 문제를 제기하다. ④ objection – 반대, 이의
16. 다음을 읽고 the system of self-service를 설명한 것 중 옳은 것은 ?
The system of self-service is very popular in the United States today. This system first began in cafeterias. Later, supermarkets began to use the same system. The system is fast. Prices are lower. everyone helps himself and picks out what he wants quickly and easily. |
② It is a system we do not have in Korea yet.
③ The system is very convenient , but costs more.
④ The system means to pick out things one wants without other's help, in a store, or places like that.
[해석] 셀프서비스 시스템은 오늘날 미국에서 매우 인기 있다. 이 시스템은 구내식당에서 처음 시작했다. 후에 슈퍼마켓이 같은 시스템을 사용하기 시작했다. 그 시스템은 빠르고 가격은 더 낮다. 누구나 필요한 일을 자기 스스로 하고, 빠르고 쉽게 그가 원하는 것을 고른다.
[해설] help oneself – 필요한 일을 자기 스스로 하다, 자조하다, 자기 스스로를 어떻게 하다. pick out – 고르다.
[해설] help oneself – 필요한 일을 자기 스스로 하다, 자조하다, 자기 스스로를 어떻게 하다. pick out – 고르다.
17. 다음 문장에서 주어는 ?
At no period of the world history has organized lying been practised so shamelessly as by the political and economic dictators of the present century. |
② dictators
③ the world history
④ organized lying
18. 다음 문장과 뜻이 가장 비슷한 것은 ?
We had no trouble in solving the problem.
① The problem was so difficult that we couldn't solve it.
② To solve the problem was by no means easy.
③ It was not difficult for us to solve the problem.
④ The problem we solved was far from easy.
19. 다음 문장 중 옳은 것은 ?
① I wish I knew how to do it.
② Seeing from distance, It looked like a human face.
③ Anybody does not read such a book.
④ That woman is prouder than vain.
20. 밑줄 친 부분의 발음이 서로 같지 않은 것은 ?
① exhibit - exhibition
② exhaust - exhaustion
③ exist - existence
④ expand - expansion
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