1994년 총무처 (국가직) 7급 공무원 시험 영어 기출문제입니다.
※ 다음 중 밑줄친 부분에 가장 알맞는 것은? (문1-문5)
In spite of the desp-seated craving ______ love, almost everything else is considered to be more important than love : success, prestige, money, power-almost all our energy is used for the learning of how to achieve these aime and almost none to learn the art of loving. |
2) of
3) in
4) for
2. The surgeon ______ whose skill her life depended came to this country from Korea.
1) on
2) by
3) with
4) in
3. Neither Mary nor Lisa ______ so pretty as Ruth.
1) are
2) have
3) has
4) is
4. "The name of the man is ______ "I wish I could remember it right now."
1) on my bead
2) on the tip of my tongue
3) out of my mind
4) at my arm's length
5. A person who is rich in imagination is an ______ man.
1) imaginary
2) imaginoble
3) imaginative
4) imagined
※ 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄친 부분에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (문6-문7)
The population of the world has increased more in modern times than in all other ages of history conbined. World population totaled about 500 million in 1650. it doubled in the period from 1650-1850. today the population is more than three billion. Estinates based on research by the United Nations indicate that it will more than double in the next twenty-five years, reaching seven billion by the year 2000. |
1) 1650 - today
2) 1650 - 1850
3) 1850 - today
4) 1850 - 2000
7. According to this passage, by the year 2000 the earth's population should exceed the present figure by _______.
1) three billion
2) six billion
3) four billion
4) seven billion
8. 문법적으로 잘못 된 것은?
1) All students of our school went on a picnic.
2) Great scholar as he is, he is lacking in common sense.
3) Fall is the best season for both study and sports.
4) Much will be done if only we go try.
9. 다음의 우리말 표현과 그 뜻이 가장 비슷한 영어 표현은?
<식은 죽먹기>
1) a piece of cake
2) a bird in the hand
3) a bird in the bush
4) birds of a feather
10. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하라.
Horses don't live as long as people. A horse that lives to the age
of thirty is very old. One year of a horse's life is equal to three years of
a person's. A thirty-year-old horse is as old as a person who is ninety. A horse of ten is equal in age to a ________. |
2) thirty - year - old person
3) three - year - old baby
4) twenty - year - old person
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하라. (문11-문13)
Birds must keep their feathers well groomed. Clean and neatly
arranged feathers are necessary for flying and for keeping the bird's body
form becomeing too hot or too cold. I saw gulls and other birds shake all over and ruffle their feathers to make then fall back into place. they run their beaks along each feather to clean and straighten it. this grooming by birds is called preening. I saw brown pelicans in california as well as ostriches and many other kinds of birds green their feathers after thery were finished eating. I watched white pelicans in kenya. They were bathing in a freshwater stream. The white pelicans catch their fish in a rather salty lake. Their feathers become all crusty with selt. So the peliccome come to the stream for a through bath in clean water. Then they shake most of the water off their feathers and stand in the sun to finish drying. Birds sometimes do a very strange thing. they take a dust bath. The bird lies on soft soil and flutters its wings to throw the dust all over its body. The dust falls in between all of the feathers and absorts the extra oil. When the bird shakes its feathers afterwards, the oil-soaked dust falls away. I've watched sparrows, ostr-iches, and other kinds of birds take dust baths. Afterwards they shook and preened their feathers. |
1) Preening and licking
2) flying and preening
3) bathing and preening
4) licking and bathing
12. Which of the following sentences is true according to the above passage?
1) Pelicans take dust baths.
2) Gulls ruffle their feathers to fly.
3) Sparrows need soft soil for their baths.
4) Ostriches catch their fish in salty lake.
13. Why do birds arrange their feathers clean and neatly?
1) To catch their fish
2) To keep their temperature moderately
3) To absorb their extra oil
4) To dry their feathers in the sun
14. 철자가 잘못 된 것은?
1) pronounce - pronounciation
2) suspect - suspicion
3) expose - exposure
4) endure - endurance
15. 밑줄 친 부분의 발음이 다른 것은?
1) chemical
2) chore
3) chaos
4) choir
※ 밑줄친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것은? (문16-문19)
In order to be eligible to play in his football team, it was necessary for him to keep up his studies, a very difficult matter, for while he was not dumber than an ox he was not any smarter. |
2) get the highest scores in all the subjects he takes
3) go forward at an equal pace with others
4) sit up all night studying for the exams.
17. She is not subject to the caprices of that age.
1) is affected by
2) is not immune from
3) is not prone to
4) is not intended to
18. When the brave soldiers have gone form the earth and there is only their story among us, this battle field will still swarm with their spirits.
1) be inspired by
2) take care of
3) be full of
4) be established by
19. The meat looked red and succulent when it was taken from the refrigerator.
1) frozen
2) juicy
3) deloicious
4) rotten
20. 다음 문장과 가장 가까운 의미를 지닌 것은?
Revolutionary development in transportation and communications have narrowed distances across the ocean. |
2) The narrowed distances are extended across the ocean due to revolutionary developments in transportation and communications.
3) The distances are made short by the progressive developments of transportation and communications.
4) Though the distances across the ocean are far, they are developed by transportation and communications.
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